Commonly asked questions

Why did you start the PAC?
To elevate civics (or the lack thereof) in the political conversation in Connecticut.  Currently, most information about elections is delivered via political campaigns and candidates.  Until that changes, we will support candidates and campaigns who elevate civic education and civic engagement and those who will prioritize strong policy in this area if elected.

How do I apply for funding?
The leaders of the PAC are currently  focused on fundraising so that we are in a position to make donations.  We will not be coordinating with campaigns, per the law, but we will be looking around for suitable candidates/campaigns to support this cycle if we raise enough money and the next cycle.  During municipal elections, turnout in Connecticut routinely drops from 80% during presidential elections to 34%.  Many residents say that they don’t know what’s on the ballot so we hope to change that.

Why is there so little information on your website?
Most Connecticut PACs don’t even have a website.  Check it out for yourself.  However, we want to be as transparent as possible.  We are brand new with a small, but mighty team.  Our Founder is Stephanie Thomas, our Chair is Tom Dubin, our Treasurer is Alan Shinbaum, and our Deputy Treasurer is Jennifer Barahona.  We will be figuring this out as we go.  Every one of us involved is committed to the common good, civic society, and we have a history of making sound, considered decisions.  Trust us!

What exactly is a PAC?
We are a traditional political action committee formed under Connecticut state law.  You may be used to seeing national PACs organized under federal law, Super PACs, nonprofit organizations, or c(4) organizations.  We are not any of those entity types which is why you might be confused about what we can and can’t do.  You may find the laws that govern CT political action committees here.